A new Anglican church in and for Charlottesville.
Shaped by the truth that He is risen, Resurrection seeks to be a Gospel community marked by celebration, invitation, and formation.
Join us this Sunday:
10am at Trailblazer Elementary (Venable)
406 14th St NW, Charlottesville
Despite the hard realities of this sin-stricken world, we are invited to live together in joy, gratitude, and thanksgiving because He is risen. The resurrection of Jesus means God’s kingdom is here, and on the way. Life together in the gratitude and thankfulness that comes from knowing Jesus is Lord is a living testament to the kingdom and blessing to the world.
At its best Christianity’s response to skepticism and unbelief is not condemnation but invitation. To the skeptical and irreligious, we say, like Jesus’s first disciples, “come and see” (John 1:46). We seek to be a come and see community, inviting our friends and neighbors to explore the beauty and goodness of the Christian faith at their own pace, sharing our lives with them through the invitation of the gospel, the practice of hospitality, and Christian love.
Everyone is being formed, and everyone is becoming someone. Together, we seek to be formed into spiritual maturity in Jesus — the image of what it means to be truly human. We seek to have Christ formed in us (Gal. 4:19) through worship rooted in the Great Tradition of the church and a deep and genuine practice of Christian discipleship that flows into faithful presence in our city and world.

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